Two Boys

Okay, so this wasn’t taken this week. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t even taken this month but then this month is only 3 days old :-p I get to see this shot every time my wife’s profile appears in my news feed on Facebook and I love it. Caroline had been keen on this type of photo for a while and, to be honest, on the day I was just not feeling up to it much. She cajoled me into it and I got on top of our coffee table as she arranged the boys below me on the floor.

I knew that I wanted to over expose to smooth out their skins and went ahead and shot on manual so that I could have full control of the exposure. After importing I thought that the over exposure had produced some hotspots on Blake’s cheeks as he was nearest the window so I converted to black and white, bumped contrast a little and hey presto! my favourite shot of my two boys. Bear and Tank!