Also known asĀ Alectis Ciliaris! Minding my business one day I noticed a pair of fish moving rather quickly through the water in front of our apartment. They seemed to be hunting as a pair and were extremely quickly for small fish. I grabbed my camera and ran down to the jetty closest to the fish and hit the shutter as they came swimming by.
It was only after I had rattled off a number of shots that I really had a chance to appreciate how amazing this fish is. Wouldn’t you agree?
I have to say, this picture mostly just makes me want to go swimming. (And I don’t love swimming with fish.) I know for you it’s a picture of the animal kingdom but for me this is a picture of briney water, exactly the right temperature, totally surrounding me while I swim around submerged. The color is so beautiful! The bubbles! The way the light bounces off the fish so you know it’s a sunny day!
Oh man. Please don’t tell me the water around your apartment is all gross and nasty. It might break my heart a little. Let me pretend it’s swim-worthy (and not just for the purposes of saving birds).
Thanks Erin! Yep, the water is exactly as seen in the photo unless of course we have a red tide like we had last week and then it’s just plain yucky! But for the 2 years that we have been here it has been pretty much that standard awesome aquamarine. Definitely swim worthy! Hope the new home is great and that your pregger self is surviving?
I also came across this fish while standing in corsons inlet,new jersey fishing for flounder.