We love babies! That might be obvious since we’ve been married less than six years and we already have three. Mark had the joy of shooting a family session with the Boyers here in Washington… and what a treat, a bright and happy baby boy was in the mix!

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Ollie seemed a little bewildered by the big round lens that kept being pointed in his direction.

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But he managed to get over it and give us some smiles!

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One big happy family!! I am amazed at these well-posed dogs!

Boyer 023Enjoying these photos reminded me how important it is to enjoy your life and your little ones as they are now… We need to keep pointing the camera at our little ones too, because they won’t be like this for long!

Ginny & Tim, thanks so much for letting us capture this special moment in Ollie’s life with you! He is such a little treasure and we hope you’re happy with your photos! (Lots more to see in your online gallery! Yay!)